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Artist Development Program - The Charm School for Rappers... Quoted by NY Times

The Double XXposure Artist Development Program offers a comprehensive syllabus that covers the gamut of services guaranteed to prepare an artist for the many aspects of his or her life as an entertainer. The program has been developed to fill the “artist development” void that exists in today’s entertainment industry. The focus and mission are to assist artists, their management and record company in the long-term development of the artist’s career.

During the Motown era, the careers of recording artist were well planned and images were created and enhanced by professionals who developed every aspect of the artist’s musical and public personas. Motown’s professional commitment gave birth to some of the biggest superstars of our time… and Double XXposure is in the business of creating superstars.

The following is a list of classes offered by Double XXposure’s Artist Development Program. These classes are divided into 9 categories:


An Introduction to the Music Business: Basic knowledge is provided, as well as a functional comprehension of the music industry. It familiarizes the artists with terminology and related legal jargon and lays the foundation of education and information. The goal is to develop the artist’s acute business awareness which will ultimately translate into sound and sensible business decisions.

Image Control: This section focuses on styling and personal grooming. It is important to understand the impact of an image. The class will explore the process of establishing a look in the context of mass appeal in the marketplace. There is a choice – look either like the audience or set the trend for what the audience will wear.

Fitness: Based on the premise that “well-being” starts from within and “feeling good is looking good,” this section targets healthy eating and nutrition; and seeks to create a customized fitness regimen for the artist to enhance their sense of well-being.

Media Training: The training prepares the artist for the inevitable in a successful career – interviews. Here the artist learns how to present their story to the media. The three “A’s” are discussed – Agenda, Appearance, and Attitude.

Public Speaking: People in many different capacities have a fear of speaking in public. Public speaking is a required skill; from performing live in concert to conducting live television interviews. Presentation, preparedness and being versed on a variety of topics and current events will aid an artist for their “moments” in the public’s eye.

Etiquette: Whether it is dinner with a label executive or lunch with Oprah Winfrey, basic etiquette and manners are what will ultimately provide the basis for character judgment. You never have a second chance to make a first impression. Polish and shine are provided for the artist and we equip them with social interaction skills. It is what makes the difference between a rock and a diamond.

Vocal Care / Technique: Observe the pristine care a professional musician gives to his or her instrument, be it a saxophone, a conga drum or a guitar. The quality and care for the instrument are directly related to the quality and efficiency of the performance. Talent is the medium. We instruct and encourage the artist to treat the voice as an instrument and practice the proper techniques of vocal use and vocal care.

Travel / Touring: Every artist hopes to go on tour and have direct consumer contact in a variety of markets. The artist is provided with helpful hints. Advice is given on packing, touring and travel to provide an artist with the basic knowledge to facilitate both national and international touring and avoid major mishaps, confusion, and cultural faux pa



Today, the demand for "non-scripted" programming and Music Production is a growing phenomenon worldwide. Caveman Media Group and it's suite of media arts related companies  is positioned to take advantage of this market by applying its breadth and depth of experience to the evolving spectrum of broadcasters, , production houses, multi-platform development technologies and producing partners. In the 21st Century, the real world continues to astound us - and we believe it will captivate our audiences as well.
CaveMan Media Group is a New York-based production company dedicated to producing innovative visual media productions both Digitally & Live that reflect the diversity of the human experience. The company was co-founded in 2013 by Reginald Huggins, Holly Francis-Merritt & Christopher Kiliebrew with extensive experience conceiving, producing, writng, distributing and mounting  award-winning musical and Live productions and Short films.
The company is segmented into the following components:
BedRoc Records The Indie recording Label
Flynstonez Productions  The Full service production company
and RedEyrisFilms - the seperatly held Film Production entity.
A team of Producers, writers, musicians we have two recording studios and have a full range of services that we offer.
More and more, producers need to have knowledge of both producing and engineering to succeed in the increasingly competitive world of recording.
We take great care to match the best team & process with your project & budget.
SERVICES & PRICING  are all based on initial intake assessment.
Location never an issue, we work with you online & travel to you - wherever you are in the world - Anything is possible.

Get in touch with us about customizing your production, call - 201 224 6570

© 2016 Double XXposure Media Relations

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